Where will my donations go?

UFOPac.org is a nonprofit, bipartisan political action committee. Your donations will be used to fund our operations, educate the American public, and financially support our political efforts. US Federal Election Commission rules state that our PAC can contribute $5000 per politician each political cycle, and we intend to contribute to and have conversations with as many politicians as our fundraising affords us. We’re relying on donors like you to make this all possible.

When was UFOPac.org created?

UFOPac.org was created in April 2021 with the goal of becoming the largest political action committee dedicated to the UFO disclosure effort. We believe that UFOs are on the verge of becoming mainstream and that we’re entering a ripe period for more politicians to publicly speak out about this important issue and demand information from the US military about the UFO topic.

How can I get involved?

If you’re passionate about this issue and believe you can help us accomplish our mission, please email us at hello@ufopac.org. We’d welcome anyone to the team that can help us on this exciting journey! If you have a background in political fundraising, lobbying, marketing, video editing, or content development, we’d especially like to hear from you!

Are UFOs real?

It’s our opinion, based upon extensive research, that yes, UFOs are real. And we believe that humanity as a whole deserves to know more about this exciting and potentially world-changing information. We are adults living in a free society, and we deserve to know the truth about UFOs. If you’d like to learn more about the UFO topic, we highly recommend the documentary Phenomenon by James Fox.

Why’d you create UFOPac?

Frankly, UFOs are fascinating. And we want to know what’s going on in our skies. No one has ever successfully created a political action committee dedicated to this topic. We’re curious, like you, and we want to contribute to the UFO disclosure effort in a new and hopefully successful way. We believe that we deserve the truth from our government.

What is a political action committee (PAC)?

A political action committee is an organization that pools campaign contributions from members (people like you) and donates those funds to political campaigns for or against candidates, ballot initiatives, or legislation.